How many times have I heard a student saying:
”Well, I don’t know but, I guess it doesn’t work for me.” or “I was so busy last week that I couldn’t do the task.” I usually hear these kind of excuses from the lazy and sloppy ones. And in all honesty, I can tell you that I hardly ever hear them from conscientious, hardworking and … yes, successful students. Consistency is a key to success; especially in learning a foreign language. Think how you obtained your mother tongue. How many times you heard a word from your parents; how many times you repeated it and how many times you failed in getting your message across. And yes, you’re right saying that we acquire our first language differently to a foreign one. But, in both cases, there’s a lot of repetition involved. It might be a repetition of single words or chunks of them; shorter or longer utterances. Diligence can do wonders. Do a bit; but do it every day! Don’t procrastinate, don’t wait for your deadline and stop making poor excuses to your teacher and to YOURSELF. Keep on keeping on every day; be diligent in your work and I can guarantee you will see your results. Comments are closed.
AUTHORWritten by Agnieszka Kansy Categories
November 2024