A GOOD STUDENT WANTSI think that at the bottom of every single thing that we do is our motivation or a lack of it. Motivation is not necessarily connected with having results, or maybe more accurately, setting and reaching spectacular goals. However, in order to be a good student you need to "WANT" - want to learn; want to discover, want to grow, want to explore ... Without this initial and later on nurtured "want", it would be very hard, if not impossible to engage yourself in any learning experience. A GOOD STUDENT TRIES ... FAILS .... TRIES AGAINTrying is difficult; doing things over and over again can be dull and daunting. Having the ability to keep on trying is an extremely precious thing and anybody who has it can embark themselves on a wonderful journey of becoming better and better. You can always start again. It doesn't matter how many times you tried. If you WANT, there's always a blank page to write a new chapter. And sometimes you need a whole set of drafts before you can put it together into something meaningful. A GOOD STUDENT COOPERATESCooperation for me is a dialogue; it's willingness to be engaged; to give not only take. A good student contributes into their lesson and the whole teaching-learning process. I strongly believe that as much as students need to guided in their learning, teachers also need to shepherded in the whole process. Communicating your needs to your teacher; giving them some background of your current language necessities, sharing feedback with them is absolutely essential for your cooperation to be successful. A GOOD STUDENT KNOWS HOW TO OPEN THEIR LEARNING SPACEIt's a bit of a joke but every little bit of organisation helps. Having a notebook is good but what's even better is to have notes there- notes which you can easily access, update and use. Knowing the technicalities of your learning must-haves simply saves time.
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AUTHORWritten by Agnieszka Kansy Categories
January 2025