Dear Students, First of all I need to thank you very much for your hard work, your engagement and your input this academic year. Your motivation is always a booster for me and seeing your progress, even the smallest, is the best reward. Also, I need to apologise if I ever failed you in my methods, comments or reactions. I am , just like you, still learning bits and pieces. FeedbackThank you all for your feedback comments. What you think matters to me! If you haven't filled the feedback form yet, HERE is your chance. If you are finishing your learning adventure with me or you would simply like, you can also leave me your RECOMMENDATION here. NEXT YEARIf you would like to continue your classes in the next academic year, pls let me know by filling in your name below. Also, I would like to thank all of you who have recommended my services to others. At the moment 100% of my new students come through your recommendation. Please know, that's always very much appreciated. SUMMER TIME LEARNING IDEASIt's always good to take a break from time to time but if you feel that you want to do something this summer I have prepared a few suggestions for you HERE.
The plan for the summer courses is in the pre-lauching phase but I shall be informing you soon. Comments are closed.
January 2025