Brush up your Englisheasy- short- enjoyable quizzes
Brush up your Englisheasy- short- enjoyable quizzes
The answer is C or A (depending on how you define Lebanon/the Lebanon)
Have the time of my life is a fixed expression. We don't use THE with the names of the countries but THE LEBANON refers to the geographical region of the mountains of Lebanon that have "always" existed. LEBANON, without THE, is the "Republic of Lebanon", in other words, the state, or national entity that was recently created and became independent in 1943. The answer is A.
We don't use the with mountains. We use the with mountain ranges, for example the Alps. The answer is A.
We use zero article when we talk about institutions such as HOSPITAL, UNIVERSITY, PRISON, SCHOOL, COLLEGE, CHURCH being used for intended purpose. I am in hospital = I am a patient there. I go to the hospital every day to visit my friend = I am a visitor. The answer is A
We use zero article with at night and by night. But - She kept us awake all through the night. The answer is BOTH
With winter, summer,spring and autumn we can often use either the or zero article. The answer is A.
We use the when we talk about a family as a whole. Here the Robinsons= the Robinson family The answer is BOTH.
Please note that with the names of illnesses we don't use THE. But we can say flu/the flu measles/the measles mumps/the mumps |