In English, spotkanie rodzinne can be translated naturally depending on the context. 📌Family gathering – most direct and natural equivalent.
A: Are you free Friday night? B: Sorry, I have a family gathering at my grandparents’ house. 📌Family get-together – slightly more casual and common in spoken English. A: How was your weekend? B: Pretty good! We had a family get-together at my aunt’s place. It was really fun. 📌Family meeting – less common and usually implies something more formal or serious, like discussing family issues. A: You seem stressed. B: We just finished a family meeting about dividing responsibilities for my mom’s care. 📌Family reunion – typically used for larger or more formal gatherings, often involving extended family who haven’t seen each other in a long time. A: That’s a lot of people in the photo! B: Yeah, it’s from our family reunion last weekend. It was the first one in 10 years. Comments are closed.